04-06-2016, 03:21 PM
While Tania wasn't quite the hub for trade as Badon, the city was bustling with activity. This sort of frantic wartime preparation left a spirit of uneasiness over the populace, a restlessness and suspiciousness that could be felt from the crowd at the Three Wyverns Tavern. Roland sat on his own at a table near the bar, the server having just dropped off a bowl of stew and a hearty, overflowing tankard.
It was a well-lit place, clean and homey, always cool in the afternoons and warm in the evenings. As the sun began to set, the warm orange light filled the room. The staff began to light the candles, and the fire was poked, prodded, and beginning to roar. Although people in the streets seemed on edge, the hospitality shown by those within the Three Wyverns was unparalleled. Unfortunately, so were the prices. Roland had guessed that the meals would be expensive, but he was willing to fork over the extra coin in order to feel at ease. He sighed loudly before digging into his meal, eyeing the room for anyone looking out of place.
He himself stuck out like a sore thumb; his red armor was a shade not usually seen around these parts. The sword leaned against his chair was equally conspicuous. Roland could feel those around him tense up as they passed by, and it seemed like most were actively ignoring him. Still, he sat and ate and drank, wary of those who could turn at any moment.
It was a well-lit place, clean and homey, always cool in the afternoons and warm in the evenings. As the sun began to set, the warm orange light filled the room. The staff began to light the candles, and the fire was poked, prodded, and beginning to roar. Although people in the streets seemed on edge, the hospitality shown by those within the Three Wyverns was unparalleled. Unfortunately, so were the prices. Roland had guessed that the meals would be expensive, but he was willing to fork over the extra coin in order to feel at ease. He sighed loudly before digging into his meal, eyeing the room for anyone looking out of place.
He himself stuck out like a sore thumb; his red armor was a shade not usually seen around these parts. The sword leaned against his chair was equally conspicuous. Roland could feel those around him tense up as they passed by, and it seemed like most were actively ignoring him. Still, he sat and ate and drank, wary of those who could turn at any moment.