07-20-2014, 12:40 PM
![[Image: NewLeon_zps4cfb60e7.png]](http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a302/Swift_Assassin/NewLeon_zps4cfb60e7.png)
And here's my try at a new Leon mug. Essentially a younger version of the above mug with Lloyd's eyes.
Swift's Sprites
07-20-2014, 12:40 PM
![]() And here's my try at a new Leon mug. Essentially a younger version of the above mug with Lloyd's eyes.
07-21-2014, 01:39 PM
I wish I could say more than; "I love this mug." but that's all I got xP
![]() #TeamNohr
07-31-2014, 12:56 AM
So....I know that the vote is still on going, but I've been wanting to post this for a while. I've expanded the Hyperions a bit more...again...for the fifth time. Before I get to that, I need to show another mug first.
![]() This is Ludwig Hyperion, father of Arron and Ludwig II, grand father of Daren, Maddox, Deiter, and Bishop, great-grand father of Shad, Lennox, Maria...etc. This was the man established the Hyperion family in post-distaster rps. In Dark of Night, he fought alongside the founding emperor of Endal and established the Praetorian order. He was meant to be the most badass man in their family. ![]() This is his father, Deiter Hyperion. He fought for Etruria, later Bern, then Lycia during Zephiel's war. His loyalty to King Mordred were the key factors to him switching sides twice. He fought for Bern when Mordred was held captive, but then defected to Lycia some time after Roy had saved him. He was fortunate to never face off against Roy's forces personally, but regretted missing the opportunity to fight at his side. His father was the last wielder of Dyrnwyn before Maddox found the blade in the Western Isles. His older brother, the original heir to the family, was found unworthy of the blade and burst into flames and died of immolation. Coincidentally, this is another case of a revamp. Just like Arron, as Sophus, was just Elbert in purple, the original Deiter was just Brendan Reed in Wallace's armor. So...those new additions I mentioned. Time for Hyperion Bastards! So Deiter(not the one above) and Ludwig II both got around a bit. Like father like son. Ludwig II not as much as his son, but he still fathered a bastard without any knowledge. You see, the Hyperions have a thing about traveling the world training in the late teens and some took more liberties than others. ![]() ![]() This is Ludwig II's bastard and third son, Gordon. Gordon is a knight in the Bern military. The first variation is his normal appearance, the second is after he becomes recognized as a member of the family by Shad. ![]() ![]() This is Marc, the first of two of Deiter's bastards. He's an aspiring soldier living in Lycia. Again, first is normal, second is Hyperion colors. ![]() ![]() And this is Marc's half-brother Graham Bernard. He's a mercenary from Ilia. ![]() ![]() And since I'm well aware I haven't posted them yet. Here's Deiter and Ludwig II, respectively.
08-06-2014, 01:34 AM
Well....I've kinda determined that stubborn, cranky men just dont die. So, introducing...
![]() Ludwig with gray hair! . . .Ok, so that's not really what I mean... ![]() ![]() Ludwig, just breaking 90, and showing that he won't drop dead till someone buries him with an assortment of weapons in his body. After Shad's fourth birthday, Ludwig felt it was time to die, the only way he can see himself going out. Fifteen years later, no one in the Western Isles came forth who could kill him and he returns to his ancestral home after whispers of war came about. He grew out his hair, but maintained his facial hair. And his coat is so old, it's begun to fade considerably. He even removed his armor so he has a better chance of being killed, but it only made him react faster. ![]() ![]() And just to make him angry at Wolfram, Wolfram (when/if he acquires the knowledge) ends up making Arron and Ludwig II into morphs to help fight against Lycia.
08-06-2014, 03:04 AM
These are impressive. I may have to get you to help me with something.
But... a time when I make such a request is a long, long ways away.
![]() Mug by Swift_Assassin Quote:[1:30:17 PM] Iron Galaxy: Slenderman, the only horror game meme thing that caused murders to happen I wish something interesting would happen around here. I don't care what it is.
08-07-2014, 01:59 AM
![]() This is Shad's future attire after he returns home after his travels are done. It's a lot more conservative that his current attire. His current attire is a bit busy, but somehow he's managed to get overlooked a bit in it. For once Shad is going to be dressed in something actually made for him instead of his father.
08-07-2014, 04:26 AM
They look great!
Name : CCC
Rank : Other Gang Member
"What doesn't gang you makes you ganger"
08-14-2014, 04:05 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-14-2014, 04:08 AM by Swift_Assassin.)
. . . . . .
![]() ![]() The Brothers Hyperion. Daren, the calm and collected one specializing in fencing and mounted combat, and Maddox, the reckless hot-head who is a master with great and bastard swords. Although they don't really look it, these twins built up a reputation when fighting alongside each other. It's not widely spread, but it's prevalent enough in Etruria that the mercenaries fighting for Ludwig believed Shad and Lennox to have been their fathers by their silhouettes. ![]() ![]() But before they struck fear into the hearts of the sell swords and brigands of Etruria, they needed to strike out on their own and explore Elibe. Daren was still a wide-eyed youth and Maddox wore his hair long, trying to imitate his father. Daren, of course, would wisen up, and Maddox would bulk up. But everyone's got to start somewhere.
08-26-2014, 01:31 PM
![]() ![]() So...not much to say. Just Sacaen attires for Shad and Lennox. What started out as trying to make a new outfit for Lennox ended up turning into Sacaen garb for the cousins, with Lennox wearing a wolf pelt...which I may end up changing the color for.
09-02-2014, 04:30 AM
And now...for two more brief additions to the family tree.
![]() ![]() Roderick Hyperion, the father of Deiter Hyperion and the Great General of Etruria prior to Douglas. One of the wielders of Dyrnwyn. After his elder son tried to use his sword and died, he hid Dyrnwyn in the Western Isles. In old and older versions. ![]() ![]() And Roderick's father, Fergal Hyperion. Unlike the human tanks the next three generations of his family are, Fergal was a Paladin specializing in lances. Due to political dissension, Fergal was denied the post of Knight General in favor of his rival who was courting a member of the royal family. Displaying a cunning not seen commonly in his family, he sabotaged any attempt of his rival marrying into the royal family and essentially crippled his House in the process. To add insult to injury, years later, Fergal forced his rival to marry off his only heir, his daughter, to Roderick, thus incorporating their holdings into his own.
09-06-2014, 03:15 AM
(This post was last modified: 09-06-2014, 03:42 AM by Swift_Assassin.)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .At this rate, I'll have a person for each generation going back to the scouring. I know some of them are younger looking than others, but it's just when they are in their prime. Some are late bloomers, others stay consistent.
![]() This is Kristoffe Hyperion, Fergal's father. He was a Paladin just like his son. ![]() ![]() This is Kristoffe's father, Ernst. A man of the people, he preferred to fight with the rank and file. ![]() And following this trend, this is his father Mason. And diverging from that trend. It's time for a time skip fifteen generations before Mason, which puts it at twenty-five generations before Shad and Lennox. Back to the forging of Dyrnwyn and it becoming synonymous with the Hyperion family. ![]() ![]() This is Francesca the Generous and Hildebrand Hyperion. The blade Dyrnwyn was made by Francesca as a potential weapon in case the Scouring were to happen again and the legendary weapons could not be found. Francesca exclusively used the blade for years. She was a wanderer trying to ensure the blades power was known. But eventually, she decided she wanted to settle down. So she decided that whoever could wield the blade would be worthy of her. And so, she offered the blade to who ever wished for her hand. The blade had developed a mind of its own. Whoever it judged as unworthy of her it killed. Eventually, she found herself fighting in war. She continued her offers and as a result earned her name as Francesca the Generous. It wasn't until she came across Hildebrand Hyperion on the battlefield. The crossed blades until she disarmed him. She offered him her sword, knowing it's power. Hildebrand stepped forth, grabbed the blade, and ordered her to retreat. Francesca disappeared from the battle, only to return to their camp afterwords. Dyrnwyn found Hildebrand worthy of being her husband. In a few weeks time, Francesca and Hildebrand were wed as a part of a peace treaty with her as a 'hostage' of Etruria. The blade stayed with the Hyperions, with his son and grandson both able to wield the blade. After that, Dyrnwyn started becoming picky within the family. On a different note. ![]() This is young Ludwig. I know the vote hasn't officially ended at the time of this post, but it's over. I like how his father had people would want on his team, yet people would rather fight him as an enemy boss.
09-17-2014, 02:08 PM
Whoa. So. Much. Stuff : D
Well, in general, looks good to me, keep up with the good work~ ![]() Dogs go "woof", crows go "caw caw" and Serene goes "gargle gargle gargle"
11-17-2014, 05:45 AM
So...yeah. It's been...a couple months. Haven't done much spriting, but for some reason, in my sleep deprived mind I had some inspiration. Rule 63 versions of Shad and Lennox.
![]() ![]() Meet Shae and Lenore. I put more work into Shae, so she looks more like Shad than Lenore does Lennox, but I was bored so there you go. Now watch when I make my next post and those two are now a part of Shad and Lennox's distant
11-18-2014, 04:49 AM
(11-17-2014, 05:45 AM)Swift_Assassin Wrote: So...yeah. It's been...a couple months. Haven't done much spriting, but for some reason, in my sleep deprived mind I had some inspiration. Rule 63 versions of Shad and Lennox. Lalam and Echidna! Sorry, but I can't see anything but the two of them in those pictures.
![]() Mug by Swift_Assassin Quote:[1:30:17 PM] Iron Galaxy: Slenderman, the only horror game meme thing that caused murders to happen I wish something interesting would happen around here. I don't care what it is.
05-06-2015, 01:27 AM
So...yeah. First post of this year in this thread. It's not very much, just a small adjustment of Shad's appearance.
![]() ![]() ![]() So the first is the new face with his really old hair, the second is him with a different short hair cut, and the last one is him growing his hair out and trying something new with it. I made his face a little fuller since he's still relatively young and his family ages pretty damn well. Plus I think it's more appropriate that his family and close associates calling him pup all the time now that he looks a bit younger than looking like his father with different eyes.
05-06-2015, 09:46 PM
Hrm... it looks like the cuff is not quite aligned correctly...
But I could be wrong, and it's just a trick of the eye.
07-19-2015, 05:00 AM
Okay so.
![]() I changed Shad's Sacaen outfit from before. Namely, because he's going to switching to it soon as a disguise. So out with the dark purple clothes, and in with a dark purple scarf. And dark green sacaen garb and a hat. Should hide his identity a bit more than the 'Look at my ornate coat which I somehow don't get noticed in' that he has been wearing. ![]() ![]() Changed Alice's appearance every so slightly. Changed the hood part's color to red...for no reason. Really. Didn't just binge watch a show where the heroine wore a red hood and used a sniper rifle/scythe combo to fight. Not at all. Changing the subject. Back to more Hyperion family past. ![]() This is Sebastian Renatus, the General of which Daren once served. They became very good friends, with Sebastian being a role model to him. In the original timeline, he fell ill and Daren became the guardian of his sons, Caius and Galus, eventually adopting them after Sebastian died. ![]() ![]() ![]() This is the original version of Caius, older Caius, and Galus. Caius was a myrmidon (Big surprise) and Galus was 8. Galus would become a priest, but that doesn't matter anymore. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() This is the current timeline Caius with both his original blond hair and his father's darker blonde hair, and both clean-shaven or with some scruff. In this timeline, Sebastian still succumb to sickness around the same time he normally did, but at this time, Daren had already been falsely executed for treason and the rest of the family dead or scattered to the winds. So Caius and Galus grew up on the streets after losing their home and having their father's accumulated wealth stolen. They managed to get by for longer than they should have. When Lycia conquered Etruria though, Caius was unable to enlist to fight against them, so he and some friends tried to liberate Aquleia from their conquerers. When none of the locals came to help them, they were prepared to martyr themselves when Galus was struck by a stray arrow and killed. When the military rained arrows on their fortification, Caius, distraught, was ready to accept death when Tyber Fen snuck into the barricade and rescued an injured Caius from the city. Caius was then enlisted into Tyber's band of rebels laying in wait.
09-23-2015, 07:13 PM
(This post was last modified: 09-24-2015, 11:43 AM by Swift_Assassin.)
Okay. So this next one...well. This is based heavily on Fremy/Flammie Speedraw from Rokka: Braves of the Six Flowers, seen here. I say based, because I didn't replicate it exactly. The hair isn't exactly right and I didn't want to sprite the flower, so I took some creative liberties with that. I kinda fell in love with the character after I watched the show, so I kinda wanted to make a side character heavily based on her to become Lennox's new wife, which I think I'll get into first before I post her mug.
![]() So this was the original wife of Lennox, back from when he had his derpy design. Morrigan. She was just a recolor from another mug I did earlier, and they had a son named James. She had no development outside of stock family tree building. ![]() I have her listed as Sara Hyperion, she would have married Caius, have two children, yadda yadda. She was once known as Joan and was to be a defecting lancer from Tavrica, I think. I think I originally planned for her to marry Lennox back during Dark of Night....but whatever. She was used as the base for Fremy, but it's much harder to tell now. ![]() ![]() So, this is my version of Fremy. I think I've been working on this every now and then for a couple weeks. Actually, yeah, I just got into it a couple of weeks ago and binged most of the season. It just ended its first season, and I'm hoping it gets renewed, but that isn't the point. One of the funny things about it, was before I added the feathers and increased the size of the top headband, she gave me a serious 80s hair vibe. If it wasn't for that, I probably wouldn't have added the feathers piece.
09-24-2015, 09:04 PM
![]() ![]() Here's a little edit, just fixing some shading issues when the cloak is on. And...uh...lowering the top a bit to better recreate her clothes. |
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