Lazy mode: on
(11-08-2015, 08:52 PM)Speedy - IX Wrote: There's a grand total of ONE promoted Battle(s) going on in FETO right now (more like a grand total of ZERO), class and stat changes are virtually free. Before we go tacking on even more changes to the units that were just altered, how about we actually try them out first?
BST altering for Horsies is there to keep them from strictly being better than wyvs (i.e. no bow weakness) while wyvs get the better stats (yes do this). Could nerf everyone's DT Clerics and the already underused Curate promotes...
okay here's the thing, thanks to the new natures, in unpromos, the only situation in which you'd ever use Curate over Cleric would be if you have an armor or gemini DK, otherwise Clerics are infinitely superior. And I won't even as much as talk about promos, obviously nobody uses Curates (other than myself obviously) since they don't get 2 range and their stats suck. Nerfing Clerics would be okay, nerfing Curates not so much, at least not now. (-1 Pow -1 Res anyone?)
Things that have been discussed:
Enabling Monks/Mercs and the like "19pow classes" to reach 20pow (yes)
Altering Promo Bonuses for Pegs/Dracos (yes but please put the avoid bonus back to 15 >_> )
Lunar Kn Promotions I think they're fine as they are except for that peg mage promotes in general could use some sort of buff to make them more useful since basically everything other than them that didn't get any boost at all were staff users
I even think there was another change discussed by the older dev team to alter B.mages and Warders so they aren't OP at lv1 and such (lol trying to balance lv1 meta k)
"tl, dr: troubs -1 LCK, +1 POW" (Wouldn't make too much of a difference for promos but full power unpromo troub is probably worth trying)
"All Warders - -1 RES, -1 LCK, +1 DEF, +1 SKL, Growth: +5 LCK, -5 RES" - Mint (I guess you could do that, +1 Def would turn out nicer at level 20)
"Horseunits pretty much feel like they're one up'd a lot of the times. In unpromoteds, Cavs are bad due to lances being unfavourable to use, Scouts/Raiders are quite outclassed by wyverns. Nomads are okay. In promoteds, hawks/dracos/troubs are better mounted physical offense, and Wyverns/Mounted Mages are, for the most part, much better dual tanks. I think that horse units should get their 2 BST back. Starting with 1 point below in unpromoteds, and being even after promotion. Not sure if Troubs should also get +2 BST as well though. " - Inan
Troubs really don't need extra BST, other horses could probably use it, heck I'd give them +2 BST starting from level 1 tbh
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Sadistic Karen crit compilation: (still being expanded)
[00:39:49] Fredmir: dude you fucking wraith has more critz than your 6 snipers combined
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Sadistic Karen crit compilation: (still being expanded)
[00:39:49] Fredmir: dude you fucking wraith has more critz than your 6 snipers combined