I usually don't make severely terrible typos.
Adda a dfe wdrinks tino the mix andmayb thing stget a little mroe itnersateng!!!!! (rough simulation assuming I'm prioritising speed over correctness)
My keyboard doesn't like typing the letter combination "ount": by the time I get to n, I'm usually still letting go of o and u so keyboard ghosting happens and I end up typing, say, "accout" instead of "account". Also, Ioccassionally occasionally type of instead of or, which drives me crazy because I usually don't notice it until later... Seriously though, screw the word "occasionally". It's pretty much the one thing that I consistently misspell and have to pause to fix.
as for not looking at the keyboard, it's easier when the letters printed on the keyboard don't match the keyboard layout being used for typing
Adda a dfe wdrinks tino the mix andmayb thing stget a little mroe itnersateng!!!!! (rough simulation assuming I'm prioritising speed over correctness)
My keyboard doesn't like typing the letter combination "ount": by the time I get to n, I'm usually still letting go of o and u so keyboard ghosting happens and I end up typing, say, "accout" instead of "account". Also, I