06-02-2015, 03:52 PM
Most of the battles I see are either normal, Lv.20 or Lv.**/20 and whenever I start a battle myself there aren't many battle modes that really appeal to me (except for that one time I played Sadistic Backfire Traps
I don't know (as always with these things) whether it's planned to make new game modes for FETO 3.0 but here's some ideas I've had and that I would actually use once in a while were they to be implemented. Feel free to comment upon them, steal them or add your own.
- Reversed Weapon Triangles: Exactly what it says. Now tell me Lance is the worst weapon type
And yes, you have correctly guessed that reavers restore the normal weapon triangles if this mode is active.
- Fog of War: I have absolutely no idea how viable it is to code it or whether it's a good idea in terms of meta balancing to include Torches... but it may or may not be fun. Maybe with a new effect for Blind to temporarily eliminate the unit's field of sight?that really makes me look forward to Fog of War+Traps
- Noob mode: Players get luckier if more of their units are dead, should work more or less like RNG Fairness except in terms of dead units and not the players' actual luck (which, having tried it once, doesn't even actually work). I'm thinking it could make battles between veterans and noobs more "fun" and balanced, although it could also just lead to frustrating amounts of misses when you have one healer left to kill.
- Multiple Lords: Has been discussed and I still think it's better to have as a manually settable option by whoever starts the battle, just mentioning it here again because I can

I don't know (as always with these things) whether it's planned to make new game modes for FETO 3.0 but here's some ideas I've had and that I would actually use once in a while were they to be implemented. Feel free to comment upon them, steal them or add your own.
- Reversed Weapon Triangles: Exactly what it says. Now tell me Lance is the worst weapon type

- Fog of War: I have absolutely no idea how viable it is to code it or whether it's a good idea in terms of meta balancing to include Torches... but it may or may not be fun. Maybe with a new effect for Blind to temporarily eliminate the unit's field of sight?
- Noob mode: Players get luckier if more of their units are dead, should work more or less like RNG Fairness except in terms of dead units and not the players' actual luck (which, having tried it once, doesn't even actually work). I'm thinking it could make battles between veterans and noobs more "fun" and balanced, although it could also just lead to frustrating amounts of misses when you have one healer left to kill.
- Multiple Lords: Has been discussed and I still think it's better to have as a manually settable option by whoever starts the battle, just mentioning it here again because I can

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Sadistic Karen crit compilation: http://pastebin.com/BPTHtRmT (still being expanded)
[00:39:49] Fredmir: dude you fucking wraith has more critz than your 6 snipers combined
Our slogan: "What doesn't gang you makes you ganger"
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Sadistic Karen crit compilation: http://pastebin.com/BPTHtRmT (still being expanded)
[00:39:49] Fredmir: dude you fucking wraith has more critz than your 6 snipers combined