(10-23-2016, 06:54 PM)Lightascetic Wrote:(10-23-2016, 04:58 PM)Andy Wrote: That's a sexy awesome Lowen. Like srsly, congrats. Beefiest beefcake on a brown horse I've ever seen. Dat hair's messing with his ability to hit things, tho.
That playthrough with the SuperCanas, I was also using Lowen, and Kent. They both turned out mediocre, with several levels-up gaining only one stat or, occasionally, none. Also, neither one got an S in weapon levels. Like, when I made a Link Arena team just to preserve the units in there, the first one, was Canas, Athos, Hector, Lyn, and Eliwood. Of the thirty stats in the screen, more than half were capped. Some from stat boosters, most not. The second team I made had the next best folks up there: Lowen, Rebecca, Dart, Harken, and Isadora (Yes, laugh. I used her). Even with stat boosters (Which I spread where they were needed, because good gravy dat skill stat hates me) the only maxed stat out there was Isadora's speed, which was a natural growth (She was, unbelievably, faster than Kent).
Yeah, I've used him on a few playthroughs, but he's never been this BUILT. I have Sain at around level 10, and his stats aren't too bad. I'm still struggling to whittle down my units to the ones I want in Endgame, I always struggle with that!
That sounds like a crazy Isadora, and at least she's better than Marcus, haha. And yeah, your Canas looks insane, although I just got him and his second level-up was every stat except Defense. I always use Kent and Sain until they get a few levels, then determine which one is doing better. This time, Sain destroyed Kent so I abandoned him pretty early on. But Lowen, man. LOWEN. I'm pairing him with Rebecca, and she's such a glass cannon right now: she keeps getting STR SKL and SPD, but she's level 11 and her DEF hasn't gone up AT ALL. Sad times, but at least Lowen was blessed.
Serra always works out well for me, too. On my most memorable playthrough she maxed MAG, SPD, LUK and RES. She's looking pretty good this time, too (with an Angelic Robe to help her survive early on). Only mistake I made last time was still letting her use staves, so she got an S in that and could never use the S rank Light tomes (although she still 1v1'd Nergal with Aura). She's a character I can never not use; I'm attached =P
I used Sain exactly once on my cartridge. He was OK, but far and away from the best paladin my game has ever produced. And yeah, I struggle with that, too. I was debating with Vaida. I always get good Vaidas, somehow. I stole her uber spear once, then gave it back to her after a few levels. That one wound up with 21 spd. I have a Link Arena team with her because I didn't want to lose that. She was level 19 at the end. She could've had 22 spd. Plus, her strength, skill and defense maxed out.
And yeah, lol@Marcus. I checked his averages for the one time I brought him to endgame. He was exactly average. About 43~ HP, 19 Str, 26 Skl (only stat he even came close to maxing), 14 spd, I forget the luck, and 12 each for def and res. I'd like to get picky about Cavs, but honestly, I use Oswin too much. He's a beast, and for a Knight he's got fairly decent speed most of the time. And yeah, Rebecca's Def is always low. Mine was. It was 8. She was level 9 or 10. Sniper.
I've also used Serra about exactly once. To get her married to Oswin. It took ridiculously long for that to happen.
![[Image: 20c7YiV.png]](http://i.imgur.com/20c7YiV.png)
Thank you Destin, for the awesome mug of Ambrose.