"So, like Jack, I searched for any time I came up in the staff forums," I said, leaning back in my chair and studying my hand. I absently swirled my fine red wine in my chalice. "Not even a mention, and I searched all three of my aliases. So apparently I've been really good. Probably helps that I lived under a rock even online. The roleplays provided really good cover."
I drank a shallow draught from the goblet, cool to the touch. "Remind me again, who was Crystal? Any other aliases?"
I looked at the faces of those around me, smoothing out my business suit. They were difficult to read, but I decided to reveal my hand, not intent on losing this, the first round. "Three fives, two aces. Full house, right?" I sipped a bit more of the wine, wishing I'd brushed up on my poker terms.
I drank a shallow draught from the goblet, cool to the touch. "Remind me again, who was Crystal? Any other aliases?"
I looked at the faces of those around me, smoothing out my business suit. They were difficult to read, but I decided to reveal my hand, not intent on losing this, the first round. "Three fives, two aces. Full house, right?" I sipped a bit more of the wine, wishing I'd brushed up on my poker terms.
Thank you Destin, for the awesome mug of Ambrose.