06-18-2015, 04:52 AM
(06-13-2015, 11:03 PM)Nolan Kryptonite Wrote: Manakete [Balanced] (Base Growths are the decimals)
Stats at level 1
HP [0/0%]: 23.00 (22.100)
POW [0/0%]: 4.80
SKL [0/0%]: 4.75
SPD [0/0%]: 3.55
DEF [0/0%]: 5.55
RES [0/0%]: 6.55
LCK [0/0%]: 7.80
Manakete [Balanced]
Stats at level 20
HP [0/0%]: 48.00
POW [0/0%]: 20.00
SKL [0/0%]: 19.00
SPD [0/0%]: 14.00
DEF [0/0%]: 16.00
RES [0/0%]: 17.00
LCK [0/0%]: 23.00
Not sure if I've mentioned it yet but I still see a problem there namely that you'd start off with a Manakete who'd be fit for unpromo battling and after 20 levels it has the strength of a promoted unit.. and it doesn't really go through a promotion. I know it would be a bit uncharacteristic but I'd still suggest to make promotions for them so they're reasonably well-balanced as they level up.
Also that luck. What the hell...
Quote:Example builds:
Manakete [Bulky]
Stats at level 20
HP [2/20%]: 60.00
POW [2/10%]: 25.00
SKL [0/0%]: 18.00 +5
SPD [0/0%]: 13.00
DEF [2/20%]: 23.00 +10
RES [2/20%]: 24.00 +10
LCK [0/0%]: 22.00 +5
(with Dark Stone with 22 Mt, equivalent of max Pow with Gespenst)
Manakete [Bulky]
Stats at level 20
HP [1/0%]: 50.00
POW [2/10%]: 25.00
SKL [0/0%]: 18.00
SPD [0/0%]: 13.00
DEF [1/10%]: 20.00 +10
RES [2/20%]: 24.00 +5
LCK [0/0%]: 22.00
(with Earth Stone, with 18 Mt, equivalent of max Pow with Tornado)
Nihil/Countora. Almost as tanky as lordruid, but cannot offer support.
Manakete [Glass Cannon]
Stats at level 20
HP [0/0%]: 46.00
POW [2/10%]: 25.00
SKL [2/10%]: 24.00 +10
SPD [2/20%]: 21.00 +10
DEF [0/0%]: 15.00
RES [0/0%]: 16.00 +5
LCK [0/0%]: 23.00 +5
(with Holy Stone with 22 Mt, equivalent of max Pow with Gespenst)
On GlassKete I'd put 2 points from skill to HP so it survives Brave Axe. 32 skill would still Wrath basically the entire meta. O_O
Don't understand why on earth you'd use earth dragonstone over dark dragonstone on the second set. As they are now there is literally no advantage to be gained from using Earthstone instead of Darkstone except that it will probably be cheaper...
Manakete [Bulky]
Stats at level 20
HP [2/20%]: 60.00
POW [2/10%]: 25.00
SKL [0/10%]: 20.00 +5
SPD [0/0%]: 13.00
DEF [1/0%]: 18.00 +10
RES [0/0%]: 18.00 +10
LCK [0/0%]: 22.00 +5
Avoids most Wraths and can only be 3RKOd by triple heavy Fenrir/heavy Greataxe unless it's a crit (which, again, it's pretty decent at avoiding with that skill and luck) or any weakness it will gain if it gets implemented. Which, if it stays how it is, let's face it, it probably will.
(06-17-2015, 08:45 PM)Nolan Kryptonite Wrote: Fixed. There isn't really a way of getting around the S rank stones being broken without just nerfing their bonuses though.
And speaking of this yes, the stones reeaally should be nerfed... at the very least, and that's still being generous, Holy and Dark stones have to be nerfed. I mean, +30 stats, with dark giving +10 def and +10 res?! I know there have been even more powerful dragonstones in vanilla FEs but then again, they weren't designed with PvP or too much balancing in mind for the most part. Without nerfing the stones Manaketes still look pretty op with the growths you gave them, and there will be issues with balancing those growths if they don't get promotions. Do their level-ups just start counting double for the effect of battle restrictions?
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[00:39:49] Fredmir: dude you fucking wraith has more critz than your 6 snipers combined