Most of the activity from our fellow FETO-goers have come to the use of Skype. We have a chat that's active all the time. Just ask several others who are already there, and we'll add you.
You do NOT need a mic!
You can ask the following to add you to the group:
Falaflame: marksman.klein
Blade Lord S-IX: cantbeatthespeed
Fredmir: fredmirlurker
Add one of those contacts and they will add you to the skype chat.
==[Voice Chat Party Line]==
You want to voice chat with us? You can!
We have a Party line for that reason!
Just make sure Skype is installed on your computer or mobile device and you can!
Also, it's rejoinable. You can be able to leave and join the party line at a moment's whim!
==[Online IM Service]==
Don't want to install Skype, or can't for any reason? No problem! Additionally, you can also access the skype chatroom using:
So now, you have NO excuse to miss out on our chat. All you need is a skype account.
==[Skype Mobile]==
Additionally, you can access the Skype group via your mobile devices, such as Android, PSP, PS Vita, IOS, iPad, and more. You can chat with us while on the go!
Please join us on skype. I swear, we are chill bros!
Show me your moves.
Formerly known as Magus.