There's eight devs and three QA team applications in my PM inbox. We're not going nowhere, you're just a bit in the dark because I'm taking my time with this.
Best not to "hire" any "professionals" yet.
We might not be going anywhere, but the last place I want us to wind up, is in the hands of some money-hungry power-tripping bastard that just wants the users and passwords out of our database before they shut the site down unexpectedly and replace it with a malware loader page.
All final direction as to FEPlanet executive matters goes to Fensti.
Also, public isn't the best place to be waxing politic on our legal boundaries. For all we're concerned, we operate within the statutes and limitations of copyright law.
I'm all in the interest of transparency, but executive and administrative things have a backroom for a reason. I'll let it slide, but just keep that in mind.
Best not to "hire" any "professionals" yet.
We might not be going anywhere, but the last place I want us to wind up, is in the hands of some money-hungry power-tripping bastard that just wants the users and passwords out of our database before they shut the site down unexpectedly and replace it with a malware loader page.
All final direction as to FEPlanet executive matters goes to Fensti.
Also, public isn't the best place to be waxing politic on our legal boundaries. For all we're concerned, we operate within the statutes and limitations of copyright law.
I'm all in the interest of transparency, but executive and administrative things have a backroom for a reason. I'll let it slide, but just keep that in mind.