I don't really have a clear cut favorite. A lot of my units do their job most of the time, so I'll list multiples of them.
Haruhi S. - Archer Lord
My no-nonsense sadistic-adrenaline lord. My god is she sick. I can't tell you how many times she's critted when I wanted her to, and dodged when I wanted her to.
Chains - Valiant Lord
One of my favorite suicide lords. A lot of times I pick him over my other choices for suicide lords, because I've come to realize that he's dying in 1-2 hits anyway, so I've decided to stop caring about dodge rates, and focus a lot more on hit rate. The reason why he's here? Well, let the hit rates speak for itself. (link to units included)
Against Hiyo (Reliable Silver Impale): 100% OHKO
Against Hiyo again, but 52 HP (Heavy Silver Impale): 93% OHKO
Against Solum (Reliable Silver Impale): 94% OHKO
Against Johnson (Brave Bow): 77% ORKO
Against Kleine (Brave Bow): 77% ORKO
Against Esric (Brave Bow): 74% ORKO
Against Vienne (Brave Bow): 69% ORKO
Against EVERY WAR MEDIC EVER (Brave Bow): 76% ORKO
Yeah, no one is safe against this thing. When I made this unit, it's to brutally punish people who rely on dodgehax to win.
Wario - Sniper
...no seriously, no matter what I stat change him into, he's always done his job. But now that I've made him to insight whatever he wants, I find him handy because of his insight crits and insight longbow hits.
Alakazam - Archer
I really fucking hated this guy from Pokemon Red and Blue.
I loved this guy from the very moment I created him. I used him exclusively in gauntlets, and pray tell I still do, but the amount of crits and finishers he's given me was incredible. In fact, I'd probably name him my unpromoted gauntlet MVP (though overall gauntlet MVP-wise, he has quite a way to catch up to my Valiant lord)
Sabrina - Shaman Lord
Well... this speaks for itself. Just look at my turns, and beware the hilarity that may follow. http://feto.feplanet.net/battle/128942
Haruhi S. - Archer Lord
My no-nonsense sadistic-adrenaline lord. My god is she sick. I can't tell you how many times she's critted when I wanted her to, and dodged when I wanted her to.
Chains - Valiant Lord
One of my favorite suicide lords. A lot of times I pick him over my other choices for suicide lords, because I've come to realize that he's dying in 1-2 hits anyway, so I've decided to stop caring about dodge rates, and focus a lot more on hit rate. The reason why he's here? Well, let the hit rates speak for itself. (link to units included)
Against Hiyo (Reliable Silver Impale): 100% OHKO
Against Hiyo again, but 52 HP (Heavy Silver Impale): 93% OHKO
Against Solum (Reliable Silver Impale): 94% OHKO
Against Johnson (Brave Bow): 77% ORKO
Against Kleine (Brave Bow): 77% ORKO
Against Esric (Brave Bow): 74% ORKO
Against Vienne (Brave Bow): 69% ORKO
Against EVERY WAR MEDIC EVER (Brave Bow): 76% ORKO
Yeah, no one is safe against this thing. When I made this unit, it's to brutally punish people who rely on dodgehax to win.
Wario - Sniper
...no seriously, no matter what I stat change him into, he's always done his job. But now that I've made him to insight whatever he wants, I find him handy because of his insight crits and insight longbow hits.
Alakazam - Archer
I loved this guy from the very moment I created him. I used him exclusively in gauntlets, and pray tell I still do, but the amount of crits and finishers he's given me was incredible. In fact, I'd probably name him my unpromoted gauntlet MVP (though overall gauntlet MVP-wise, he has quite a way to catch up to my Valiant lord)
Sabrina - Shaman Lord
Well... this speaks for itself. Just look at my turns, and beware the hilarity that may follow. http://feto.feplanet.net/battle/128942
Show me your moves.
Formerly known as Magus.