Name: Renata Valenth
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Nation/Allegiance: from Laus, Lycia, but her allegiance is with the Elimine Church
Appearance/Description:![[Image: dYKuMZy.png]](
Renata stands at 5'4" with light blue hair and dark blue eyes. Her face often holds a gruff expression, which looks unintentionally silly because of its youthfulness and predisposition to blushing, but her body is unmistakably a woman's. Her usual outfit consists of a red scarf tied around her neck and forehead, a dark grey armored breastplate and gloves, a light grey short dress that is easy to move around in, and leather boots with thigh-reaching stockings and light leg armor. She keeps a short sword at her right hip and a lightning tome in a small pack holstered on a strap around her left shoulder connected to her belt.
In lieu of deep/meaningful friendships, the default focus of Renata's mind is on the well-being of herself and her belongings. However, she envies those with strong social links. Renata is religious, but lacks faith due to the recent events with the two churches. Her fighting style is defensive in nature unless offense is very called-for.
![[Image: jxLn02F.png]](
After the events of A Fall From Grace: The Escape from Laus, Renata became a rootless vagabond, trying and failing to foment rebellion against the Church of the Preservation. Having narrowly avoided capture too many times to count, her appearance has become more utilitarian: her hair is now tied up to be as unobtrusive as possible rather than woven through her scarf, a distinguishing garment that was lost when it was torn away by the grappling hands of the mayor of a village she would later despoil when she found herself on the run, in the middle of nowhere, and starving. She has abandoned all of her inquisitor dress save the breastplate and boots, whose gilding has lost its lustre over the weeks. Even still, she knows she will soon have to get rid of it as well to completely disassociate herself with the Church. Renata also often dons a heavy brown cloak cut at the left side so not to restrict her sword arm; she has resorted to the sword over the tome in all cases except during times she has had to intimidate the country bumpkins into thinking she was still a legitimate enough member of the Church to seize their provisions. Renata's face remains almost constantly distorted into a pout; her bleak outlook was only magnified during her time wandering.
![[Image: eZhp16L.png]](
After finally escaping the Dread Isle, Renata outfitted herself with some more practical equipment. Funded by the sale of her old, battered church armour as well a few trinkets she'd picked up along the way, she now dons lighter armour made mostly of leather, though it is more comprehensive. Finally having some sense of direction in her life as a vagabond, she wears an expression of determination as often as she does a pout.
Bio/Backstory: Renata was born into a well-to-do religious family in Laus, Lycia. Her father was a Lycian knight-turned-farmer due to injury ensuring he would never fight again, and from the start he had grandiose plans for his daughter. Intending to raise Renata to be some sort of valkyrie, he sent her to Eliminean academies, enrolling her in a different one somewhere in the land as often as possible to ensure that she would grow to be more worldly and would not make any silly relationships that would impede her education. During the time Renata wasn't at school, her father woke her up at the crack of dawn each day to teach her swordsmanship. Renata wasn't naturally left-handed, but she learned the sword that way, taught that she would need to hold a tome or staff in her right hand.
One day, Renata's parents made a great announcement to her: they had been saved. When Renata asked who saved them and from what, they both laughed and explained that there was a new church: the Church of the Preservation of Sanctity, which had risen up to ward off the old lies of the Eliminean Church and bring about the true, unadulterated "good news". They had already enrolled Renata as a servant, of course, and she was sent off to Thria to fulfil her destiny— or so her father was convinced.
What Renata's parents did not know was that their beloved pure daughter whom they were convinced could do no wrong was almost immediately selected to be an enforcer, a job that seemed to always need employees and volunteers. Renata was young, but the clergymen knew skill and devotion when they saw it. She accompanied several monks down the streets, door to door, to raid households of their forbidden pagan magic and do worse to those who resisted. Renata was appalled by the job— she did not want to serve this new church if it meant going into houses and taking peoples' lives from them, whether literally or to rot in jail cells. Even those who willingly gave up their unlawful material would never live the same again.
A few months passed, and Renata tried to harden her heart to her occupation. She learned to leave the most brutal tasks to others and only applied herself when she knew that there would be no fighting. News arrived that the Church of Elimine had burned a few days ago, not that the ancient saint herself was any less revered. It turned out, according to the Church of the Preservation, that theirs had been the true teachings of Elimine all along. Renata cried for hours in the academy dormitory which had been re-purposed for servants of the church: this new version of Saint Elimine seemed distant and uncaring, offering no divine solace as the old one had always seemed to in times of trouble. Renata had matured mentally in the past half-year more than she had in the past five years combined. She would not be a child or a servant in this terrible place anymore.
And so Renata decided to leave Thria, writing one last time to her parents to lie to them that she was in good spirits and loved the new church more than ever. On her way out of town, she spontaneously decided to give the local church a visit. It was the weekend, a day of rest, so nobody else was in the maze-like structure, except one: a bishop, clad in all his holy vestments, standing at the railing of a balcony and relishing the good day.
Renata quietly climbed the many stairs to the balcony, letting all her hate for this damned new church and temptation to renounce it rise to the top of her heart. The bishop made it too easy for her to realize these things and immerse herself in them as she ran up behind him and pushed him off the balcony. The holy man fell the many stories to the cobblestones as Renata sprinted away, leaving the church through a side-exit. She didn't know that that bishop had been the least religious among the Church of the Preservation. She hadn't been seen, but what she did know was that it was only a matter of time until the clergymen connected the dots and found her guilty, especially if she left now. But she didn't care, and stole one of the enforcers' best white horses from its stable to ride it to Laus anyway. Renata had no desire to go back to her parents— they would be horrified. All of her father's work would be undone. But she did have acquaintances in Laus (there was never time to make true friends), and she devised even greater ideas on the road— to possibly flee to Bern or Ilia. She knew that all she needed to do was get in touch with the right people and she would have safe passage to somewhere, surely.
What she did not know is that things would not be so easy, as they had been for her whole life until now.
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Nation/Allegiance: from Laus, Lycia, but her allegiance is with the Elimine Church
![[Image: dYKuMZy.png]](
Renata stands at 5'4" with light blue hair and dark blue eyes. Her face often holds a gruff expression, which looks unintentionally silly because of its youthfulness and predisposition to blushing, but her body is unmistakably a woman's. Her usual outfit consists of a red scarf tied around her neck and forehead, a dark grey armored breastplate and gloves, a light grey short dress that is easy to move around in, and leather boots with thigh-reaching stockings and light leg armor. She keeps a short sword at her right hip and a lightning tome in a small pack holstered on a strap around her left shoulder connected to her belt.
In lieu of deep/meaningful friendships, the default focus of Renata's mind is on the well-being of herself and her belongings. However, she envies those with strong social links. Renata is religious, but lacks faith due to the recent events with the two churches. Her fighting style is defensive in nature unless offense is very called-for.
![[Image: jxLn02F.png]](
After the events of A Fall From Grace: The Escape from Laus, Renata became a rootless vagabond, trying and failing to foment rebellion against the Church of the Preservation. Having narrowly avoided capture too many times to count, her appearance has become more utilitarian: her hair is now tied up to be as unobtrusive as possible rather than woven through her scarf, a distinguishing garment that was lost when it was torn away by the grappling hands of the mayor of a village she would later despoil when she found herself on the run, in the middle of nowhere, and starving. She has abandoned all of her inquisitor dress save the breastplate and boots, whose gilding has lost its lustre over the weeks. Even still, she knows she will soon have to get rid of it as well to completely disassociate herself with the Church. Renata also often dons a heavy brown cloak cut at the left side so not to restrict her sword arm; she has resorted to the sword over the tome in all cases except during times she has had to intimidate the country bumpkins into thinking she was still a legitimate enough member of the Church to seize their provisions. Renata's face remains almost constantly distorted into a pout; her bleak outlook was only magnified during her time wandering.
![[Image: eZhp16L.png]](
After finally escaping the Dread Isle, Renata outfitted herself with some more practical equipment. Funded by the sale of her old, battered church armour as well a few trinkets she'd picked up along the way, she now dons lighter armour made mostly of leather, though it is more comprehensive. Finally having some sense of direction in her life as a vagabond, she wears an expression of determination as often as she does a pout.
Bio/Backstory: Renata was born into a well-to-do religious family in Laus, Lycia. Her father was a Lycian knight-turned-farmer due to injury ensuring he would never fight again, and from the start he had grandiose plans for his daughter. Intending to raise Renata to be some sort of valkyrie, he sent her to Eliminean academies, enrolling her in a different one somewhere in the land as often as possible to ensure that she would grow to be more worldly and would not make any silly relationships that would impede her education. During the time Renata wasn't at school, her father woke her up at the crack of dawn each day to teach her swordsmanship. Renata wasn't naturally left-handed, but she learned the sword that way, taught that she would need to hold a tome or staff in her right hand.
One day, Renata's parents made a great announcement to her: they had been saved. When Renata asked who saved them and from what, they both laughed and explained that there was a new church: the Church of the Preservation of Sanctity, which had risen up to ward off the old lies of the Eliminean Church and bring about the true, unadulterated "good news". They had already enrolled Renata as a servant, of course, and she was sent off to Thria to fulfil her destiny— or so her father was convinced.
What Renata's parents did not know was that their beloved pure daughter whom they were convinced could do no wrong was almost immediately selected to be an enforcer, a job that seemed to always need employees and volunteers. Renata was young, but the clergymen knew skill and devotion when they saw it. She accompanied several monks down the streets, door to door, to raid households of their forbidden pagan magic and do worse to those who resisted. Renata was appalled by the job— she did not want to serve this new church if it meant going into houses and taking peoples' lives from them, whether literally or to rot in jail cells. Even those who willingly gave up their unlawful material would never live the same again.
A few months passed, and Renata tried to harden her heart to her occupation. She learned to leave the most brutal tasks to others and only applied herself when she knew that there would be no fighting. News arrived that the Church of Elimine had burned a few days ago, not that the ancient saint herself was any less revered. It turned out, according to the Church of the Preservation, that theirs had been the true teachings of Elimine all along. Renata cried for hours in the academy dormitory which had been re-purposed for servants of the church: this new version of Saint Elimine seemed distant and uncaring, offering no divine solace as the old one had always seemed to in times of trouble. Renata had matured mentally in the past half-year more than she had in the past five years combined. She would not be a child or a servant in this terrible place anymore.
And so Renata decided to leave Thria, writing one last time to her parents to lie to them that she was in good spirits and loved the new church more than ever. On her way out of town, she spontaneously decided to give the local church a visit. It was the weekend, a day of rest, so nobody else was in the maze-like structure, except one: a bishop, clad in all his holy vestments, standing at the railing of a balcony and relishing the good day.
Renata quietly climbed the many stairs to the balcony, letting all her hate for this damned new church and temptation to renounce it rise to the top of her heart. The bishop made it too easy for her to realize these things and immerse herself in them as she ran up behind him and pushed him off the balcony. The holy man fell the many stories to the cobblestones as Renata sprinted away, leaving the church through a side-exit. She didn't know that that bishop had been the least religious among the Church of the Preservation. She hadn't been seen, but what she did know was that it was only a matter of time until the clergymen connected the dots and found her guilty, especially if she left now. But she didn't care, and stole one of the enforcers' best white horses from its stable to ride it to Laus anyway. Renata had no desire to go back to her parents— they would be horrified. All of her father's work would be undone. But she did have acquaintances in Laus (there was never time to make true friends), and she devised even greater ideas on the road— to possibly flee to Bern or Ilia. She knew that all she needed to do was get in touch with the right people and she would have safe passage to somewhere, surely.
What she did not know is that things would not be so easy, as they had been for her whole life until now.