The group made their way hastily towards Castle Berg, scarcely allowing Hux a moment to falter. Ellie could hear a wyvern fast approaching, a tiny speck of black against the shimmer of the moon in the sky. She heaved a sigh of relief as she prodded the brigand onward. Paige and Cecily did their part, and they soon found themselves at the gate.
“Oi, lads! It’s me! Open ‘er up, I got a haul here!”
“Hux! Bout damn time you came back! ...What’s all that?”
“Couple o’ new bloods and some wenches for the lot of us! Come on, open ‘er up!”
There was a brief silence, a sense of dread, then the door gave way to a faint flickering light splashed across the pewter brick walls lining the hall of the castle. Inside were a handful of men; many unkempt, most battered and bruised, and one with a patch over his left eye. They sat carelessly around a small fire built from scraps of the burgundy carpet running the length of the hall, what Ellie assumed were histories of Bern and the Hyperion family, and what pieces of timber Shad's family must have been keeping for the colder nights in the mountains.
"Slim pickins, mate?" the man with the eye patch inquired, sizing up both Satsume and Ellie before turning his eye to the ladies. He licked his lips and smirked devilishly, his blackened teeth peering through the small gap between his lips.
"Aye, but these two oughtta fetch a nice price!" Hux replied, shoving Paige and Cecily towards the group. Satsume stepped towards Hux, wincing as he moved, before he caught himself. Ellie shot him a glance as she rested a hand on one of her daggers.
"Hmm..." another brigand stood, approaching the girls and circling them intently. He ran his fingers shakily through Cecily's hair as he looked her up and down. "Pretty lot you are, ain't ya?" He stopped in front of Paige, bending slightly to match her height, standing nose to nose. After an agonizing pause, he retreated two paces and crossed his arms. "Say... you the archer?"
It took everything inside Ellie to ignore the question. The other men around the fire turned to face the newcomers as several figures made their way into the hall from just out of view.
"She's got a bow, mate."
"Yeah, she's go' a bow!"
"Must be 'er!"
Ellie could see several weapons being brandished, her heart racing. Still, she did not move. The man with the eye patch stepped forward, a sickle in hand.
"You been up 'ere before, Red?"
"No chance," Ellie chimed in. Suddenly, all eyes were on her; she paused a moment to collect her thoughts and chose her words carefully. "Caught her fighting with Hux, figured you'd have work for us."
No one moved, no one spoke; Ellie had a hard time even daring to breathe. Satsume straightened himself out in preparation for the worst while Paige and Cecily tensed up.
Hux spun on his heels, fear etched into every wrinkle on his face. Suddenly all arms were drawn as the men frantically doused the flame in the hall. Ellie wasted no time in making her way to the girls in the darkness and all the commotion, cutting them free and pulling them away from the gaggle of testy brigands. Then once more, there was silence. More damn silence, Ellie thought - the tension was almost too much to bear.
"The 'ell?"
"The army here?"
"Nah, couldn' be."
The brigands bickered a few more moments while all their eyes adjusted to the darkness, until decisions were made.
"New blood, yer with me," beckoned one of the silhouettes. He made his way through the crowd and planted one hand on Satsume's shoulder. Brandishing his axe, he stepped towards the door with Satsume mere paces behind. He opened the door slowly, peering out into nothingness; nothing moved, and no one spoke. He pushed the door wider and stepped out into the night. The moonlight found its way into the hall, enough light to see the bandits gathering like children clamoring for sweets. Satsume, however, made no effort to follow the bandit.
"Ain't nothing 'ere!" he shouted, shrugging as he stepped further into the night. He looked to the sky, looked left, then right - nothing. He spun on his heels and chuckled. "Must be a pat-"
With a sickening squeal, the bandit crumpled under the weight of an ebony scaled wyvern. The wyvern arched its neck and growled at the figures in the doorway. Several figures began to fade out of view, opting to find another exit in hopes of flanking the rider, whereas the others stood their ground.
"My name is Leroy Vael, Rider of the Bernese Army! You are to lay down your arms and surrender the castle, or you will be dispatched without mercy!" Leroy shouted, pointing his axe towards the door. His wyvern stepped back and lowered its wings, the bloodied corpse beneath its feet falling limp and twisted as it moved; there it waited.
“Oi, lads! It’s me! Open ‘er up, I got a haul here!”
“Hux! Bout damn time you came back! ...What’s all that?”
“Couple o’ new bloods and some wenches for the lot of us! Come on, open ‘er up!”
There was a brief silence, a sense of dread, then the door gave way to a faint flickering light splashed across the pewter brick walls lining the hall of the castle. Inside were a handful of men; many unkempt, most battered and bruised, and one with a patch over his left eye. They sat carelessly around a small fire built from scraps of the burgundy carpet running the length of the hall, what Ellie assumed were histories of Bern and the Hyperion family, and what pieces of timber Shad's family must have been keeping for the colder nights in the mountains.
"Slim pickins, mate?" the man with the eye patch inquired, sizing up both Satsume and Ellie before turning his eye to the ladies. He licked his lips and smirked devilishly, his blackened teeth peering through the small gap between his lips.
"Aye, but these two oughtta fetch a nice price!" Hux replied, shoving Paige and Cecily towards the group. Satsume stepped towards Hux, wincing as he moved, before he caught himself. Ellie shot him a glance as she rested a hand on one of her daggers.
"Hmm..." another brigand stood, approaching the girls and circling them intently. He ran his fingers shakily through Cecily's hair as he looked her up and down. "Pretty lot you are, ain't ya?" He stopped in front of Paige, bending slightly to match her height, standing nose to nose. After an agonizing pause, he retreated two paces and crossed his arms. "Say... you the archer?"
It took everything inside Ellie to ignore the question. The other men around the fire turned to face the newcomers as several figures made their way into the hall from just out of view.
"She's got a bow, mate."
"Yeah, she's go' a bow!"
"Must be 'er!"
Ellie could see several weapons being brandished, her heart racing. Still, she did not move. The man with the eye patch stepped forward, a sickle in hand.
"You been up 'ere before, Red?"
"No chance," Ellie chimed in. Suddenly, all eyes were on her; she paused a moment to collect her thoughts and chose her words carefully. "Caught her fighting with Hux, figured you'd have work for us."
No one moved, no one spoke; Ellie had a hard time even daring to breathe. Satsume straightened himself out in preparation for the worst while Paige and Cecily tensed up.
Hux spun on his heels, fear etched into every wrinkle on his face. Suddenly all arms were drawn as the men frantically doused the flame in the hall. Ellie wasted no time in making her way to the girls in the darkness and all the commotion, cutting them free and pulling them away from the gaggle of testy brigands. Then once more, there was silence. More damn silence, Ellie thought - the tension was almost too much to bear.
"The 'ell?"
"The army here?"
"Nah, couldn' be."
The brigands bickered a few more moments while all their eyes adjusted to the darkness, until decisions were made.
"New blood, yer with me," beckoned one of the silhouettes. He made his way through the crowd and planted one hand on Satsume's shoulder. Brandishing his axe, he stepped towards the door with Satsume mere paces behind. He opened the door slowly, peering out into nothingness; nothing moved, and no one spoke. He pushed the door wider and stepped out into the night. The moonlight found its way into the hall, enough light to see the bandits gathering like children clamoring for sweets. Satsume, however, made no effort to follow the bandit.
"Ain't nothing 'ere!" he shouted, shrugging as he stepped further into the night. He looked to the sky, looked left, then right - nothing. He spun on his heels and chuckled. "Must be a pat-"
With a sickening squeal, the bandit crumpled under the weight of an ebony scaled wyvern. The wyvern arched its neck and growled at the figures in the doorway. Several figures began to fade out of view, opting to find another exit in hopes of flanking the rider, whereas the others stood their ground.
"My name is Leroy Vael, Rider of the Bernese Army! You are to lay down your arms and surrender the castle, or you will be dispatched without mercy!" Leroy shouted, pointing his axe towards the door. His wyvern stepped back and lowered its wings, the bloodied corpse beneath its feet falling limp and twisted as it moved; there it waited.
If you'd like to reconnect, look for me on Twitter! Be well.