07-13-2014, 10:49 PM
"Consider that a warning." Joachim didn't follow up the man he'd already injured; not much more of a threat. He was more concerned with his buddies. He crouched; Fafnir coiled beneath him, then sprang over the bandits' heads. One got in after the man with the horn, but Fafnir's wings and the dull side of Joachim's poleaxe sent the other two sprawling before he landed heavily between them and the cave.
Fafnir's roar shook stones loose from overhead and earned some answering cries from inside. Joachim glanced around, saw an archer lying in a pool of blood. He grimaced and brought his attention back when one man got to his feet and swung an axe at Fafnir's wing. Fafnir moved away from it, and Joachim's poleaxe barely missed the man's arm. His buddy, emboldened, took up a flanking position on Fafnir's other side. Joachim twisted around to check on the two in the cave; he only saw one, hauling back with an axe.
Joachim snatched a hand axe from his belt and threw it, forcing that one to dodge rather than continue his advance, and lashed forward with his poleaxe again. Fafnir snapped the other way with his claws, and barreled past the two, battering them in his wake a second time. Joachim jabbed the tip of his weapon into one's shoulder for good measure. And now the path into the cave was open for the other guy.
Well, so much for that plan. At least Gwen had an opening, though judging by the archer, she was less forgiving than he was.
Fafnir's roar shook stones loose from overhead and earned some answering cries from inside. Joachim glanced around, saw an archer lying in a pool of blood. He grimaced and brought his attention back when one man got to his feet and swung an axe at Fafnir's wing. Fafnir moved away from it, and Joachim's poleaxe barely missed the man's arm. His buddy, emboldened, took up a flanking position on Fafnir's other side. Joachim twisted around to check on the two in the cave; he only saw one, hauling back with an axe.
Joachim snatched a hand axe from his belt and threw it, forcing that one to dodge rather than continue his advance, and lashed forward with his poleaxe again. Fafnir snapped the other way with his claws, and barreled past the two, battering them in his wake a second time. Joachim jabbed the tip of his weapon into one's shoulder for good measure. And now the path into the cave was open for the other guy.
Well, so much for that plan. At least Gwen had an opening, though judging by the archer, she was less forgiving than he was.