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I just finished rebuilding Norende yesterday, I was hoping that there would be some sort of reward or something for completing it, but oh well.

And my current team as I near the end of chapter 8 is:

Ranger/Spell Fencer
P.Atk + 30%, Katana Lore, Angelic Ward

Power up with elemental weakness or Drain, then spam targeting.

White Mage/Time Mage
Group Cast-All, Holy One

Exactly what Vaike said.

Transience, Turn Tables, Comeback Kid, Axe Lore, Hawkeye

Dual Weild Giant Axes, pop up Utsusemi for a counter and free BP/stat up. Vampire is used for crowd control and self healing, plus white wind if necessary.

P.Atk + 30%, Hawkeye, See You in Hell

Free Lunch + Amped Strike = Win.

This is my all-purpose team. I have a few other builds for more serious battles, but this generally gets me through any battle with little trouble. The only one I really had to change it up for was the Barbarossa/Praline/Qada/Kamiizumi/Kikyo fight, that one was a bitch.
I just got a cartridge copy I can borrow for a bit, so I'll be starting on this.

I also still have the code for an eShop copy, and I don't know what to do with it, because I won't be activating it.
I'll be starting this game soon too. I'll just have to finish playing that other game I'm playing, which shouldn't take too long I think.
I finished the demo over the weekend. Pretty fun game. I should get the full version at some point.

(06-04-2014, 11:07 AM)sirocyl Wrote: [ -> ]I also still have the code for an eShop copy, and I don't know what to do with it, because I won't be activating it.

Contest time? *shrugs*
I'm atm 12 hours in and... Surprise complaint buttsecks.
- Characters at this point have been just... meh... forgettable. The only character who I can really remember outside from the main characters is the black mage from the beginning... and only because he shares the same last name as the bad guys from Justified.

- Agnes... IS FUCKING ANNOYING!!! I knew I'd hate her ever since she opened her mouth and I'm pretty much skipping her dialogue right after I've read it so I don't have to listen her voice... if I read it... this far most of her dialogue have been not just pointless but boring and annoying... it's just "whine this, whine that" "Unaccepta-!" *slaps the screen* SHUT UP!!!!!!! >: (
Well, at least she has her goddamn Mr. White Knight Tiz who's always encouraging her to be like she is... WHAT a#%asfd=?fh9 MAN!?

- Difficulty... random encounter on normal are kinda pain in the ass unless I want to spend tons and tons MP for magics and money for ethers but boss battles are just fine... well, thank God I can always switch the difficulty but... switching it from easy to normal every time before a boss is kinda pain in the butt.
And when it comes to boss difficulty... well, I said it was "fine" on normal but... actually it's really enjoyable to me... usually I've had to be seriously underleveled in JRPGs in order to make them challenging... oor... well, I'm assuming lvl 20 characters weren't underleved while ago when I fought on Orthros (even tho the bloody thing rekt everybody expect my beefy knight).

Anywho, otherwise... nothing to complain... unless I forgot something but yeah, otherwise the game is okay and seems to be worth of the money (idk tho will I be finishing the game before I just go back to play FF3 DS).
.. ... okay okay... there's one thing I really like in this game... Changing random encounter rate is awesomeeee!!!!!111
Finally beat this. Btw, equipment is for schmucks.

All 4 characters unequipped.

Knuckle Lore
Natural Talent
Turn Tables
Drain Attack Up

Can you say "damage cap"?

Replace one of these with Rise From The Dead when fighting the last boss since he does so much fucking damage with AoE attacks.
Oh man, dem bosses at Chapter 8!
Had to go fully OP for those. (Stillness/Hasten World)
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