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Full Version: Ingrid Florent
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(This version replaces the "The Shieldmaiden" version of Ingrid Florent)

Name: Ingrid Florent
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Nation/Allegiance: Etruria
Appearance/Description: Ingrid is a small woman, a head shorter than average and with a slender build. Her hair is bright auburn and reaches her mid back, and she has light blue eyes. She has light brown skin with a golden undertone, largely free of any blemishes or scars, though the stress of her current situation shows plainly on her face.

Her clothing is simple and has experienced some small wear and tear, but exquisitely made and hints at her noble origins. She wears a white tunic with long sleeves, and has a brown leather vest over it. She has a brown knee-length skirt with white leggings under it. She also wears leather boots and white silk gloves, as well as a hooded purple cloak made from velvet. Around her waist is a belt which holds a healing staff and a leather satchel, the latter of which contains her spellbooks and a few other supplies, such as gold and food.

Ingrid is generally very softspoken and polite, and typically prefers to resolve conflict with words instead of violence. She has a fairly strong sense of justice and believes in protecting those who cannot protect themselves, no matter the personal cost. She does, however, have a slight superiority complex, and can often come across as condescending, especially towards the lower class. She also had a privileged upbringing, and while she is by no means needlessly cruel or selfish, she can be rather spoiled and prone to complaining.

Bio/Backstory: Ingrid was born to a minor noble family of Etruria, their only child and heir. The Florent family had long controlled a small province just to the south of Aquleia, and were modestly wealthy in comparison to many of their larger and more powerful neighbors. She grew up doted on by her mother and father, Lady Isabelle and Lord Ricardo, who typically gave the girl what she wanted, and as such she grew up rather pampered. Despite this, they also instilled in her a strong sense of right and wrong, establishing that she should help those in need and never take advantage of their desperation.

Ingrid's magical talents did not become apparent until she was 11 years old. When such talents did manifest, she was first only trained in staff magic, mainly in its uses for healing. She was reasonably skilled in this, but the study of such magic did little to capture her interest, and she pleaded with her parents to allow her to train in anima magic as well. They did so with a bit of reluctance, for fear that their daughter could unintentionally injure herself or others. It turned out those fears were unfounded, however; Ingrid was clearly a natural, and grew quite skilled in the six years of training she recieved.

Thanks to the Florent's relatively close proximity to the capital, they recieved a large number of guests. Ingrid grew up personally knowing many of the other nobles, and developed into quite a social young lady. As she got older she came to realize she'd eventually have to marry a nobleman. This was not something she was entirely thrilled about; while she had yet to tell anyone this, it had become clear to her that men were not to her liking. Still, she understood it to be the politically advantageous thing to do, and indeed she entertained a fair number of suitors, trying to find the one that would grant her family the best advantages.

She was visiting one such potential suitor in northern Etruria when the Lycians invaded.

Her family's home, like that of many other Etrurian nobles, had been ransacked and destroyed by the Lycians, and both her parents had been slain. To make matters worse, she was now branded as a fugitive; it was well known by the Etrurian gentry the Florent's daughter was a skilled mage, and that information quickly found its way into Lycia's hands. Any claim she could have to whatever remained of her family's property and power was revoked.

The noble family she'd been visiting, while understanding her grief, refused to allow her to remain with them, fearing reprisal if they were found harboring a mage. They provided her with some provisions, a large sum of gold and a horse, and forced her out onto the road, all on her own.

Grieving for her family and in fear for her life, at first Ingrid planned on fleeing through Lycia into Bern, like so many had done before her. However, as her grief slowly abated and she traveled further through Etruria, she came to realize the damage the war had done to her homeland and how much grief the resulting annexation and turmoil was bringing. By the time she came near the Etruria-Lycia border, she'd changed her mind; she was going to remain here and try to aid those who couldn't afford or access treatment. Since Lycia clearly had no intention of mending the damage, she felt it was her duty to try and help.

She now travels through much of southern Etruria, working under various assumed names, and offers her healing services freely for those who wouldn't recieve it otherwise. She mainly visits smaller villages and settlements, especially those that were on the warpath of Lycia or those who routinely have trouble with bandit activity. She's also been known to hire mercenaries with her ever-dwindling supply of gold to root out bandits or other threats, though obviously she never fights herself. She is slowly gaining minor folk hero status among the lower class for these actions, and so far no one has made the connection between Ingrid Florent and this mysterious healer.