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Full Version: Going on hiatus? Leaving?
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If I want to get back into RPing, that's probably what I need, lol. I don't know why I just can't get back into it. I tried to return to Skylessia II years back, then tried to return to the new generation in Skylessia, then tried one final go at Meneil's RP, and then retired entirely once I figured out that I still couldn't commit to my work.

My only deduction is I pretty much grew out of writing entirely. Notice in my heyday, I was also huge into poetry. I haven't even written as much as a single word since.

The feeling where you can't do what you once loved to do... it really does hurt. Sad
Coming back actually, would've sent up a warning to my sudden leave of absence were it not for my computer frying. <_> Situation is resolved now however, sorry about that folks.
So, starting Friday, I'll be on a eight-day cruise on the Norwegian Gem. As I don't have a fortune to spend on crappy internet speeds, I probably won't be online for most of the trip, the exception being the one day we'll be in Florida where our phones actually have coverage. Going to the Harry Potter thing at Universal, but that will probably be the first stop of our three stops so yeah. Not that this place is active enough for this to be a concern, but might as well post this anyway.
I'm going to be gone from Thursday until Monday. Taking a nice 9 hour drive to a Magic the Gathering tournament in North Carolina.

Should be a blast!
Nice. That sounds cool. I've always wanted to play it, but I've never been able to get my hands on the cards.
I've spent an ungodly amount of money on the cards in the years I have played. Enough to pay off a good chunk of my college loans.

I've always loved playing Magic but never had many opponents and was never willing to go out of my way for tournaments. I think I have a pretty solid deck but I really couldn't say because I haven't played enough people who know what they're doing.
I forgot to post this yesterday, but I'm on vacation till Friday. I'm at Niagara falls on the Canadian side most of the week. My phone doesn't work unless there is a WiFi connection, due to our carrier not having connection in Canada, so I won't be on often.
Coming back, more like. I'm sorry I was gone so long, my PC died and other stuff happened. ;o;
I came.

Back. Just to lurk the shit out of you guys.
Ohey it's Purs

on a sidenote I might be vanishing myself~
Oh hey, I got validated. Big Grin
It's been a while, but I'm back once more.

Welcome Unsung Hero, I hope you enjoy your stay here!
Hey, just joined the site, and wanted to say hi.
You probably won't see me much at first, as I tend to be a bit of
a lurker, but I plan to get into RPing and spriteing soon.

Godspeed All.... Godspeed.
Hi there,

I'm not really active in the RPing or sprite parts of the site, but I hope you enjoy your stay here!
I'm going to be out of town from tomorrow until Monday. Probably back on Tuesday.

Going to Atlanta to appease my cardboard crack addiction.

Yay Magic the Gathering!
Salutations comrades, it is I; Jonahman10 a denizen of the old FEPlanet Forums. I have come to see how the old place has been faring, to find that it has been moved. I figured it might be interesting to see what has been happening at this lovely successor state, and am intrigued to see some familiar names still around. I would be fascinated to see if anybody actually remembers me. I may show up around holidays, and when I am bored/full of existential dread, maybe even more if I find great joy from my visit. Anyways, greetings to all.
I remember you. It's been a while.
I'm going in for surgery tomorrow morning.

Assuming I don't meet a sorry demise on the operating table, I'll be drugged up for a couple weeks. And then I'll come back.

Cool? Cool.
Hello, everyone. I'm Mitsuri, a fledging Fire Emblem lover. I started with FE2 (Gaiden) on the NES and I found the smooth animations of the game, the strategical aspect of it, the soundtrack and story, all of it, a blast to go through. Since then, I've been trying many other Fire Emblem games, such as The Sacred Stones, Path of Radiance / Radiant Dawn, Shadow Dragon on the DS (Which I believe is actually a remake of the first one on the NES), Awakening and Fates. The next title on my list is Thracia 776 which people claim to be very challenging. And here I thought Radiant Dawn was pretty challenging.

Anyways, nice to meet you all members. I look forward to trying out this Fire Emblem Tactics Online game.
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