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Full Version: ATTN: Cheffy
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I have noticed the widget.

Still checking it once a day. I like how it retains messages.
Same. I feel like it would be useless if it didn't. Not many people are on at the same time. Many full stops. Period.
(08-23-2016, 08:19 PM)Mizu Wrote: [ -> ]Same. I feel like it would be useless if it didn't. Not many people are on at the same time. Many full stops. Period.

I read this in my mind like an old-timey telegram:

"How do you operate the telegrammophone whilst wearing gentleman's sporting gloves STOP"
(08-24-2016, 11:16 AM)WyvernSlayer Wrote: [ -> ]"How do you operate the telegrammophone whilst wearing gentleman's sporting gloves STOP"

Employ the adhesive-constructed ambulatory device!

(08-23-2016, 08:19 PM)Mizu Wrote: [ -> ]Same. I feel like it would be useless if it didn't. Not many people are on at the same time. Many full stops. Period.

Punk, I sent you a direct message like a week ago and nothing.
I sent one back! My internet just sucks right now. Lol Also, I don't really go on discord and I want cookies so bad I'm gonna cry. Yes, those things are related and that sentence made sense. No it didn't. v.v;;

There's a monthly treat box you can get full of yummy baked good stuff. Only reason I didn't get it was because I can't afford it. XD That being said I have a year long subscription to Bark Box! Rofl
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